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Cheap Secured Personal Loan

The easiest and cheapest loans to acquire in the UK today are secured personal loans. On one hand it gets the borrower loans at rates it was not possible to think of just a couple of years ago and on the other it makes the lender comfortable in his own right since the invested amount is secured by means of a collateral and he can sleep more peacefully at night, secure in belief that the loaned amount can any day be recovered.

If you were worried about your financial options, especially loans – you should not do so if you can by any means secure it. Let us consider the scenario a bit more thoroughly here – both from the lender's and the borrower's perspective.

For a lender, the security of the money he is lending is of utmost importance. If the borrower declares him to be a bankrupt the next year when on a twenty year loan, there is not much that the lender can do and in all probabilities, he would lose a significant portion of his money. It would certainly spoil the credit record of the borrower and render him incapable of any loans in the future but that is little consolation for the lender who stands a chance to lose a fortune. That exactly is the reason unsecured loans are dearer. Also, the lender would make all kinds of inquiry in the borrower's past credentials and repayment capacity before going ahead with granting the loan. If in the same scenario, there is a collateral that can secure the loan, the lender is much more comfortable. He is now aware that under dire circumstance, the money can be easily reclaimed by liquidating the equity in the house. That is the reason, secured personal loans are cheap.

From the borrower's perspective, he is mostly aware that the bad financial situation is a passing phase. With a little finance to pull him out of the mess, the situation would turn favorable in a short span of time. If there is some property he can place as a collateral, the personal loan would become very cheap for him. There is no logic for him to go for a loan with 4 to 5 percentage points higher for a 20 year repayment period if he is certain of an improvement in his state in the next couple of years. He would therefore, if at all possible try to go in for a cheap secured personal loan rather than a costly unsecured personal loan.

Secured personal loans are available at far cheaper rates anywhere in the market. It is easily possible to find secured loans at rates lower than 9% if all other parameters are favorable. Also, the considerations before awarding such a loan are far less – the credit history, the repayment ability are not questioned much and they become rather rudimentary. In contrast, the unsecured personal loans are much more costly and if other conditions are unfavorable, the rates you may have to shell out may be more than 13-14%. Under extreme circumstances of a bad credit history, such a loan may also be denied to the borrower and it may take long before you find a lender who is ready to trust you.

The important thing for the borrower to consider is that the asset placed under the collateral is to good extents owned by the lender for the period of repayment if these are not made in time. So, it is all the more important to plan repayments and expenses well in advance and not falter on the terms and conditions. Also, in search of the cheapest rates, one must not sign on conditions which are not favorable as a borrower. Cheap secured personal loans are very easy to find and one must shop around to get the best deal available.

To summarize, cheap secured personal loans are quite easy to find. These loans are granted against a collateral. To the lender, they give a peace of mind hedging the risk of their investment and to the borrower, it means sheer value in form of cheaper rates. Secured loans today are a good 4-5% cheaper than unsecured loans and also do not depend upon other parameters of the financial status of the borrower. If it is possible, you must always go for secured loans and plan your repayments well so that your asset remains secure too.


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