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Education Loans In India

India is a developing country and is forging ahead to create a definite niche in the global economy. Education is an important factor for the development of any country. India is not far behind in an attempt to provide education to every child by granting education loans to students. All banks in India provide education loans to students for studies in India, as well as abroad. Apart from banks, there are a number of charitable institutions and other private funding associations in India that provide education loans to students.

There are a large number of Indian students who prefer to go abroad for their post-graduation studies. The loans prove to be a boon, mainly to the students whose education and stay abroad would be very costly. Some private banks grant education loans and also cover the expenses of lodging and travel. Most private banks in India offer flexible options related to education loans. Certain private banks offer very low interest rates and give various allied benefits to the borrowers, by opening a savings account for them or providing them with debit cards. Some banks also provide customized education loans, created for specific requirements. They grant secured as well as unsecured loans. Secured loans can be repaid in seven years by holding residential properties or shares as security. The unsecured loans can be repaid in four years. Various banks offer exclusive schemes on educational loans to their customers, of six months or more.

The education loans in India are mostly granted to the parents of the students, unless or until the students are eligible, above 18 years of age. Most nationalized and private banks providing education loans, take the authorization of the college or university into consideration. They do not grant loans to students who are not from approved educational institutions.